
Aquamarine for Sale

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Aquamarine, the Properties of Legendary Gemstone



Legends say that one of the most gorgeous minerals in the world is the child of love. The tears of a young woman who lost her loved one fell into the cold ocean and turned into gems of striking beauty. Clear and pure as love itself, the stone was dubbed aquamarine, which means seawater.

Legends of Aquamarine

The mesmerizing gem is so ancient that it is steeped in myths and legends. The stone doubled as a talisman for sailors in ancient Greece and Rome. Ancient Greeks believed that the semi-precious mineral was a gift from Poseidon and it contained the soul of the sea. When embarking on a journey, sailors always took aquamarine with them hoping that it would tame sea storms.

One more legend claims that the gem was found in the mermaid's treasury. Since then, everyone who owns aquamarine is patronized and protected by the sea beauty.

Aquamarine, gemstone crystal

Aquamarine in History

The semi-precious stone owes its name to Pliny the Elder. When describing beryls, the ancient Roman writer mentioned that the most beautiful of them look like pure sea water. The words aqua and mare (water and sea respectively) constitute the mineral’s name.

The ancient Sumerian civilization, which existed until 2000 BC, valued aquamarine as the stone of longevity, happiness, and youth. In ancient Rome, aquamarine was considered to be a protector of sailors. Along with that, it embodied pure love and devotion.

Ancient artists and craftsmen used the stone to create figures of animals as well as the statuettes of mythical creatures and gods. Over time, aquamarine turned into an attribute of power. For instance, the stone adorned the headdress of Pope Julius II. The luxurious mineral became the highlight of the scepter of King Stanislaw of Poland. Faberge preferred aquamarine to construct eggs for royal families.

Aquamarine is rightfully called the royal stone. Queen Elizabeth has an aquamarine-embellished parure (a set of a necklace and earrings) as a gift from a Brazilian Ambassador on the day of her coronation. The British monarch was so impressed with the combination of large aquamarines and diamonds that she soon ordered a tiara, bracelet, and brooch to complement the set. Moss Aquamarine for jewelry

Metaphysical Properties of Aquamarine

Aquamarine is a hard clear or translucent mineral with a glassy luster belonging to the beryl family. In fact, aquamarine is the younger brother of emerald, the most famous representative of the beryls. However, while the grassy-green hue of emeralds is due to chromium oxide or vanadium while aquamarine features iron. As a result, the aquamarine color palette ranges from deep blue to pale turquoise.

If you look at the mineral from different angles, you can see its color changes. Blue aquamarines start acquiring greenish tones as you twirl them. Some specimens boast even more exciting effects – a cat's eye, a narrow glowing stripe, and asterism, a star inside the stone. Such gems are extremely rare and of special value.

When aquamarine is heated above 400°C, its color gets much more saturated and vibrant. This property is widely used to turn an inexpensive pale stone into a more valuable specimen. It is almost impossible to recognize heat treatment so make sure to inquire about this before you buy aquamarine.

Excellent transparency and good hardness - up to 8 on the Mohs scale - make aquamarine easy to work with in terms of cutting. The stone lends itself to experiments with intricate shapes. On the other hand, aquamarine is fairly brittle; if you handle it without due care, it may crack. Aquamarine chips for jewellery making

Aquamarine Types

Brazil is the largest supplier of aquamarine but gem deposits have been found around the globe. Madagascar is home to fine blue aquamarines. Russia offers dark blue and green gems. Nigeria is known for its fine color specimens. Other well-known mines are located in the United States, Australia, India, Namibia, China, and other countries.

If you are offered Brazilian aquamarine, it doesn’t mean that it was mined specifically in this country. In fact, it is the trade name of high-quality aquamarines of bluish-green color. Stones bearing this name can be mined thousands of kilometers from Brazil. The same goes for Madagascar aquamarines. This term is applied to a variety of aquamarines of a gentle blue hue regardless of their origin. Medium-dark and vibrant blue gems glorified the Santa Maria mine in Brazil, but not all Santa Maria aquamarines come from this source. Most often, this trade name is used for all gems of a similar color.

Aquamaline Healing Properties

In the ancient world, aquamarine was highly esteemed for its ability to cure almost any ailment. Millennia-old manuscripts say that aquamarine is able to treat seasickness, so it was a must-have for everyone who traveled via sea. Also, people believed that the stone could determine whether a person has health issues. If the mineral changed its color or became cloudy, it was a sign of a disease.

Modern lithotherapists claim that the sea stone positively affects the respiratory system. Around-the-neck aquamarine jewelry can help ease cough as well as solve problems with breathing and swallowing. Besides that, the mineral is capable of normalizing body temperature, strengthening immunity, and protecting against viruses and germs. Aquamarine items are recommended for individuals who suffer from allergies since they relieve rashes and remove redness.

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Aquamarine for sale

Aquamarine Magical Properties

Our ancestors were convinced that aquamarine was able to nurture love. It as if adds fuel to the fire of love. To preserve the feelings, men used to give their wives aquamarine stones before embarking on journeys or military campaigns.

Along with that, the blue stone has the power to reconcile spouses. It lets completely different personalities get along and live in harmony. Aquamarine helps avoid conflicts because it does not tolerate hostility or bad blood.

In the Middle Ages, aquamarine served as a solution to prevent poisoning. Jewelry embellished with the luxurious mineral was worn by the nobility at feasts. If the stone rapidly changed its color, it was a sign that food and wine were poisoned. Modern esotericists associate the change of color with emotional swings.

Aquamarine for Sale by KenKenGems

KenKenGems prides itself on an extensive selection of aquamarines sourced from world-famous mines in Brazil, Namibia, Madagascar, China, etc. Our gem products prove that high quality can be budget-friendly. Whether you buy individual one-of-a-kind stones or sets, loose aquamarines, or gems in strands, you can always count on authenticity and flawless cuts. Try our clear and translucent aquamarine gems in cabochons or displaying beautiful facets and you won’t be disappointed.

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